
Barry M

Gravity Nails
10 years ago

Gravity Nails

Sally Magpie posted a photo of Nargis Jonik’s Gravity mani – inspired by the film and using the polish of the same name. I commented that I thought I could …
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Desert Palm Sunset
10 years ago

Desert Palm Sunset

This design is inspired by nail artist Sabrina Gayle, who created it for the June issue of Company magazine. I’m really feeling sunny, summer nails at the moment. 

Ciaté Ferris …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 27 Inspired by Artwork
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 27 Inspired by Artwork

Today I used Damien Hirst’s Methoxyverapamil (1991) for inspiration, along with somewhere in the region of 25 different polishes. 

Hirst’s spot paintings are famous for not repeating the same shades, so …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 26 Inspired by a Pattern
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 26 Inspired by a Pattern

I’m super proud of these nails, they came out really well! This design has been on my radar for a while so this challenge gave me the perfect opportunity to …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 22 Inspired by a Song
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 22 Inspired by a Song

First off, thanks to my friend Caroline for suggesting this song as inspiration! Great choice and I hope you like the design!

I will let you guess what the inspiration …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 13 Animal Print
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 13 Animal Print

I’m not the world’s biggest fan of animal print and I don’t have any in my wardrobe. But I am a fan of dogs so I picked Dalmatian print for …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 10 Gradient
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 10 Gradient

I’m really getting the chance to try designs and techniques I’ve been looking at for ages, so I’m loving that part of it. My cuticles are getting a bit dry …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 5 Blue
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 5 Blue

More lines and a first outing for glitter in this challenge. I’ve been steering away from it recently because I hate the hassle of removing it. But I do love …
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An Adventure In Space And Time: Dr Who Nails
11 years ago

An Adventure In Space And Time: Dr Who Nails

As it’s the 50th anniversary of Dr Who, some themed nails were in order.It’s another mix and match set , so I used a lot of …
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Fun with Fantasy Fire
11 years ago

Fun with Fantasy Fire

By  • 

Fantasy Fire by Max Factor is a polish that isn’t the easiest to get your hands on around the world, although it seems freely available here in the UK.  It’s …
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