Stolen: Green and Silver Holographic
I’d been thinking about starting my own nail art blog for a while, then something happened that really spurred me into action… I was browsing through Pinterest, and I saw my hand and nails that someone else had pinned. But, when I looked a bit closer, I realised it wasn’t a re-pin from my feed, but from some random, shonky, spammy-looking website that had nicked my photo! Not only that, but they’d copied all the associated text where I had listed the colours I’d used to create the design. I felt really annoyed and immediately commented that they needed to credit the photo back to Pinterest. Sadly the comments need approving and so far, they haven’t. Like I say, shonky.
So, here we are then. I decided I needed to start watermarking my photos and start my own real blog.
And to kick things off, let’s right that wrong and post my stolen mani…
This really wasn’t the best of my designs to nick, it’s quite a basic one I did as a rush job before a meal out!
Anyway, I used GOSH Holographic Hero and Ocean, with a Model’s Own nail art pen in silver for the flicks on the green nails. You can just make out the holo on my index finger but in person it’s much more rainbowy. Ocean is a lovely duochrome of green and blue, but I’m just obsessed with holographic polish.
If you’ve never tried them, Model’s Own nail art pens are great if you are just getting into nail art. They have a fine nozzle for dots and shapes with a long brush for stripes and flicks. Not as clean or precise as a proper striping brush, but really easy to use.
I get Model’s Own polishes from Boots (currently they have the pens on offer, 2 for £8) and GOSH in branches of Superdrug. Holographic Hero was a Christmas 2012 release, but I’ve seen it recently in stock. It’s marketed as “one night wear” but if you use a good base and top coat it will last a good few days without chipping much. But you can do the odd touch up fairly easily because it is a very fine holo polish.