This is my version of “work appropriate” nails…I’m really not sure what I’d do if I was employed somewhere that didn’t allow polish! That might be a French manicure or even (the horror!) naked nails, but this is my ideal.

This is also one of my favourite colours and also matches my phone case very closely.

Work Appropriate Nails | Keely's Nails

Work Appropriate Nails | Keely’s Nails

This is three coats of Chanel Nouvelle Vague, topped with Seche Vite. Nouvelle Vague is one of those limited edition Chanel colours which sells on eBay for a lot of money (not as much as Chanel Ciel de Nuit though). If you are looking for something similar, try Essie Mint Candy Apple which is a close match. I think that Mint Candy Apple is a bit more blue and less grey than this.

But of course I couldn’t leave it like that for long! I added a waterfall design the next day.


Illamasqua Noble
Black Cat Lacquer Hera
Chanel Attraction 
OPI Russian Navy 
Cirque La Tropicale

Work Appropriate Nails | Keely's Nails

Work Appropriate Nails | Keely’s Nails

Much better! I used a thin brush dipped in the colours one by one to create the design.  I also used Zap from Rainbow Connection to make clean up easier.  Zap is a liquid latex product, so if you are allergic to latex you could try OPI Glitter Off instead.

Work Appropriate Nails

I feel like it’s a part of me, self-expression, so I’d be upset if I had to have very plain nails all the time for work.  I wouldn’t ever go to work with anything deemed offensive on them, but apart from that I wouldn’t restrict what I wear. What is “work appropriate” for you? I love to hear what you think in the comments below.