

Gravity Nails
10 years ago

Gravity Nails

Sally Magpie posted a photo of Nargis Jonik’s Gravity mani – inspired by the film and using the polish of the same name. I commented that I thought I could …
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Desert Palm Sunset
10 years ago

Desert Palm Sunset

This design is inspired by nail artist Sabrina Gayle, who created it for the June issue of Company magazine. I’m really feeling sunny, summer nails at the moment. 

Ciaté Ferris …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 27 Inspired by Artwork
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 27 Inspired by Artwork

Today I used Damien Hirst’s Methoxyverapamil (1991) for inspiration, along with somewhere in the region of 25 different polishes. 

Hirst’s spot paintings are famous for not repeating the same shades, so …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 25 Inspired by Fashion
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 25 Inspired by Fashion

I’ve wanted to try Louboutin nails for a while, but it’s been ages since I’ve simultaneously had all my nails intact and long enough! It didn’t hurt that this was …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 24 Inspired by a Book
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 24 Inspired by a Book

I had a clear idea about what book I wanted to use for this challenge, but my actual plan for the mani was ephemeral. 

I ended up highlighting some of …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 19 Galaxy
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 19 Galaxy

I love doing Galaxy Nails and I think these are my best yet. It actually didn’t take that long, the key is a really light touch with the sponge. 

China …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 10 Gradient
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 10 Gradient

I’m really getting the chance to try designs and techniques I’ve been looking at for ages, so I’m loving that part of it. My cuticles are getting a bit dry …
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Opal Nails – inspired by Pshiiit’s video tutorial
11 years ago

Opal Nails – inspired by Pshiiit’s video tutorial

I love reading Pshiiit’s blog – thank you Google Translate – and recently she posted a cool video tutorial.  She used the watercolour technique to create glowy, opalescent nails.

NB: …
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Cadbury Mini Egg Mani
11 years ago

Cadbury Mini Egg Mani

As it’s Easter, I wanted to try and create something chocolate related! I love Cadbury Mini Eggs and it seemed like a great way to use some spring pastel colours. …
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Ikat Nails
11 years ago

Ikat Nails

Finally time for my first post since my holiday and I’m ready for a cool print design I’ve had my eye on for a while.  Ikat is a fabric …
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