
Max Factor

Maniswap with Fabiana
9 years ago

Maniswap with Fabiana

I had the best time doing this but it took me ages to pick because I love so many of Fabiana’s manis… In the end I chose her multichrome gradient. …
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Max Factor Fantasy Fire New Version vs Old
9 years ago

Max Factor Fantasy Fire New Version vs Old

I’ve got some really sad news.  Max Factor Fantasy Fire is no more.  Well, it is, but it’s different… (No, it’s definitely gone)

As of the start of May 2015, there …
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Electric Punk
10 years ago

Electric Punk

After Hallowe’en, I needed something lighter and brighter. A friend suggested using Fantasy Fire which looks fabulous over a bright blue, so this time I used it over a turquoise …
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Lesson 1: choose your location
10 years ago

Lesson 1: choose your location

Being on holiday, I thought I’d take the opportunity to do my nails outside on a warm, sunny day with a slight breeze. BIG MISTAKE. 

Polish does not like a …
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31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 6 Violet
10 years ago

31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 6 Violet

I feel like a bit of a cheat today, but I wanted a bit of spare time for chores and to go to the cinema…I also had a good idea …
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An Adventure In Space And Time: Dr Who Nails
11 years ago

An Adventure In Space And Time: Dr Who Nails

As it’s the 50th anniversary of Dr Who, some themed nails were in order.It’s another mix and match set , so I used a lot of …
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Fun with Fantasy Fire
11 years ago

Fun with Fantasy Fire

By  • 

Fantasy Fire by Max Factor is a polish that isn’t the easiest to get your hands on around the world, although it seems freely available here in the UK.  It’s …
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